Welcome to Outside The Box

Our Story

Outside The Box is a registered charity who develop participatory and wellbeing activities with, by and for people in Calderdale. Our team have a wealth of experience in creative engagement, the third sector and youth services, and all share a passion for using creativity to enhance wellbeing, particularly for young people with learning differences and/or neurodiversities such as autism.

Our charity has grown from Orange Box Choir, a community choir that began in 2017 and is well-known in Calderdale for engaging young people and young adults with a range of support needs, and was proudly nominated for a National Diversity Award in 2020. We are now the proud winners of the 2023 Community Spirit Award for 'Best New Charity’.

Orangebox KACCL Performance

Meet Our Team

Jamie Eagleton

Jamie Eagleton

Project Manager and Safeguarding Officer
Amy-Rose Medlock

Amy-Rose Medlock

Choir Facilitator
Jonny Keegan

Jonny Keegan

Choir Facilitator


Cathy Ray

Acting Chair
Maria Spadafora

Jodie Eagleton

Acting Chair
Emma Ruhkala

Emma Ruhkala

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Tom Kendall

Safeguarding Lead
Jodie Eagleton

Tilz Ray

Tilz Ray

We are grateful to the following for their support:

Creative Minds-logo
Community Foundation Logo
Suma Logo
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